Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Creation Rocks

Rehearsals are magic - we are like gods, creating a story out of thin air.  As a director/playwright, my favorite moments are when actors take a line or a scene in a direction I never saw.  And as director/playwright, believe me, I've seen these scene a number of different ways - mulled over how to play them again and again.  So when we get it 'on it's feet' as we say, the actors seem to go through a worm hole and create a completely new dimension to the work.  Creation rocks.

Here are the actors - Lynn Burnor, Kirk German and Omid Ghorashi (reaching for his new, tender seedling of an idea).

If I were god, I wouldn't have stopped at 6 days - It's so damn much fun!

1 comment:

Dalesings said...

Oh, lady, I can hardly wait!