Wednesday, February 25, 2009

There's something truly downheartening - even embarrassing- about sending a letter asking people to donate their hard-earned dollars the same week the Dow plummets to the level it was at back in 1997 when I started paying attention.  
That was also the year I produced my first show - an adaptation of Beowulf.  It was produced in the 'great hall' of a downtown park, and out in the park itself.  One magical, Narnia-like scene had the entire audience in the space between/under 3 massive pine trees, and the actors in the trees, 20 feet up.  Pretty damn cool.
Those were the days of $2,000 shows.  
Today, the Dow is at the same level, and the show is 8 times more expensive!  Ouch!
But this show is also 8 times - no - 800 times more important than Beowulf.  I hope those who care about this issue, and can afford to help it come to fruition, will do so.  Even if it hurts a little.  


Dalesings said...

Having seen the Beowulf production, I take exception to your comparing it to The E Word at a factor of 800! For me, Beowulf was fabulously challenging, engaging the audience in meaningful (not merely athletic) participation. One can hardly describe the primordial feelings experienced while standing beneath those giant trees, head bent back, peering upward into the late evening dim of the pine branches to catch the action.

I have been a close observer of your style over these years, and have watched it evolve--yes, evolve!--and am still struck by your vivid creative urges. Importantly, among other things, you have grown increasingly involved with the polis and its ethics and politics. If for no other reason, this is sufficient to keep me coming back for more. My appreciation has inflated since 1997, for sure: I feel 8000 times more attracted now than in those earlier years!

Mt. Lucas Mama said...

Dad, that is such a beautiful post! I can't wait for you to come down to Texas again to see theatre... football eat your heart out.