Friday, December 5, 2008

I am impressed that there seems to be only one conversation stream going on at each table.  With 4 or more people, there's always a temptation to break off into sub conversations - I haven't seen that happening - kudos to their focus.

Oops - spoke too soon.  It seems the Physics table is digressing into sharing cool physics problems.
I don't blame them.

I'm impressed by the Bio table's detailed review of public comments.  It makes me feel my submitted comments will actually be considered!

OK - I obviously need to educate myself on the difference between the TEKS (teeks) and the TEK (tech).

Physics is still just jabbering about physics...

Bio just changed the language of 6.b. back to the Sept draft, and I'm not sure they're aware of that.
Sept read "components that make up the genetic code are common to all organisms"
Nov reads "components that make up the genetic code are similar in most organisms"
They just changed it back to "common to all".

Physics is finally back to parsing hypothesis processing language.

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